
Showing posts from March, 2010

Twelve Just People

Outline. 12 Just People will be a gripping film set in Jamaica in 1980 when the death penalty was still in force, penetrating, and engrossing examination of a diverse group of twelve jurors ( male & female), from a mix section of the community who are uncomfortably brought together to deliberate after hearing the 'facts' in a seemingly open-and-shut murder trial case. They retire to a jury room to do their civic duty and serve up a just verdict for the indigent minority defendant (with a criminal record) whose life is in the balance. The film will be a powerful indictment, denouncement and expose of the trial by jury system. The frightened, teenaged defendant is on trial, as well as the jury and the Jamaican judicial system with its purported sense of infallibility, fairness and lack of bias. Alternatively, the film will also be viewed as commentary on other social issues within Jamaican society, under age pregnancy, domestic violence, child molestation. The film will also...