Poultry Is Big Business.

 Chicken is the Golden meat. Anybody with the right mindset and headstart cant fail to make money in the poultry business. Junior Hart owner of the First Jamaican Jerk BBQ restaurants in Africa is offering anybody who is keen to sell and build their fortune in the poultry industry. How does it all work you may ask...is it just another scam to make money from people. Ugandans are very skeptical about anything new. 

This is such a simple idea with no capital outlay from you the reseller. We provide you with the backend technology to contact customers, your customer orders direct from our poultry farm, delivery or pickup is made to the customer and you get paid through our App. Its really that simple. No office space required, No setup costs, great for people who want to work from anywhere and at anytime...Its your own business. 

To get started go to the App store and download the Jerky App and take a look and see this awesome way of making money through selling poultry 


Send a whatsapp to our sales and Marketing for more information on how to join and become one of our reseller. Whatsapp 0775 993 970. 


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